Coding Comes to the National Astronomy Meeting 2014

The latest issue of Astronomy & Geophysics includes an article by your truly about the GitHub/.Astronomy Hack Day at the UK's National Astronomy Meeting in Portsmouth earlier this year. The projects resulting from hack days are often prototypes, or proof-of-concept ideas that are meant to grow and expand later. Often they are simply written up... Continue Reading →

LSST, Public Data, and NAM Hack Day 2014

Today is the start of the UK National Meeting in Portsmouth. I’ll be there tomorrow, and running the NAM Hack Day on Wednesday with Arfon Smith - which is going to be awesome. Today at NAM, the nation's astronomers will discuss the case for UK involvement in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope project - the LSST. The... Continue Reading →

A Brand New Milky Way Project

Just over three years the Zooniverse launched the Milky Way Project (MWP), my first citizen science project. I have been leading the development and science of the MWP ever since. 50,000 volunteers have taken part from all over the world, and they've helped us do real science, including creating astronomy's largest catalogue of infrared bubbles - which... Continue Reading →

So… I’m a TED Fellow

I’m happy to announce that I am one of the 2014 TED Fellows. It’s a fantastic opportunity and an awesome group to be a part of - you can see everyone else in the class on the TED Fellow blog. It an exciting time to join the TED crowd as TED is celebrating its 30th year,... Continue Reading →

Lessons from Two Years of Podcasting

I've just hit 'publish' on the latest episode of Recycled Electrons, my (almost) weekly podcast with friend and Zooniverse colleague Chris Lintott. We started podcasting to 'The Listener' in September 2011. This was episode 87 - 'Very Nice Equipment' - and since it's now two years that Chris and I have been producing this weekly... Continue Reading →

Astronomy and Computing: A New Journal

A new journal begins today, Astronomy and Computing, covering the intersection of astronomy, computer science and information technology. This journal is desperately needed in my view and I wish it every success. The timing is interesting as many people at the intersection of these research areas are skeptical of old-style journals and the current state... Continue Reading →

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